
The Moscow Times June 4th

The following extract is exactly what most people, having access to the Internet or some other sources of information except for official television propaganda, feel like.

The extract is from Vladimir Ryzhkov's article "Guriev is Latest Victim of Putin's Police State".

" ... The new wave of Russian emigration is qualitatively different from that of the 1990s. After the Soviet collapse, Russians emigrated because of the chaos, economic insecurity, widespread poverty and high level of organized crime. Now the most innovative and creative Russians are emigrating because of the complete lawlessness and widespread abuses of the siloviki against law-abiding citizens. Under such conditions, all of the government's ambitious plans for innovation and modernization are meaningless.

When Ivan the Terrible instituted his infamous Oprichnina in Muscovy of the 16th century, nearly one-forth of Russians fled the country in fear, thus leading to the country's defeat in the Livonian War and triggering the period known as the Time of Trouble. Under Putin's police state, we are headed straight for another Time of Trouble in the best-case scenario, if not a total collapse of the Russian State."

The complete text of the article is here. 

Once you're in Moscow the Moscow Times in English is available free in many cafes and restaurants. I normally get it from MacDonald's nearby.

More about repressions of not-alike thinking people here. 

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